The Lifecycle of Apparel Product Development: A Walkthrough of our Process at Outsourced Fashion Consulting

Hello, Fashion enthusiasts and business professionals alike! Here at Outsourced Fashion Consulting, we pride ourselves on our meticulous, creative, and effective approach to product development. Today, we want to take you through our intricate, step-by-step process of transforming fashion ideas into tangible, wearable art pieces that capture the essence of style, functionality, and innovation.

1. Sourcing

The product development journey starts with sourcing, a critical stage where we hunt for the perfect raw materials. Our team collaborates with a wide array of trusted suppliers to find the highest quality fabrics, trims, and embellishments that align with our client's design vision and sustainability goals.

2. Fabric/Trims Review & Approvals

Once potential materials are sourced, we initiate a comprehensive review process. This involves critically examining the chosen fabrics and trims, assessing their quality, texture, durability, and suitability for the intended design. After conducting rigorous checks and balances, we present the materials to our clients. It is only upon their approval that we proceed to the next stage, ensuring that we're off to a solid start with materials that align perfectly with the client's vision.

3. Design Meeting

The next step in the process is the design meeting. This intimate session takes place between the client and Natasha, the owner of Outsourced Fashion Consulting. Together, they fine-tune the design concept, ensuring it aligns with the brand's identity and market trends. This close collaboration ensures that the client's vision is clearly understood and accurately translated into the design.

4. Tech Sketching and 3D Sketches

Upon finalizing the design concept, our designers work on technical sketches. These are detailed, flat drawings that provide a visual guide for production. Additionally, we create 3D sketches to provide a realistic visualization of the design. These sketches are essential for ensuring design accuracy and eliminating any ambiguities before moving into the production phase.

5. Tech Sketches Sent for Approval

Before we proceed, the tech and 3D sketches are sent to our clients for approval. This process ensures we are aligned with our client's vision and maintains transparency throughout the development phase.

6. Sample Yardage Purchased

Once the sketches are approved, we purchase sample yardage of the selected fabric. This step allows us to produce the first sample of the design and assess its overall appearance and fit.

7. Pattern Making

Pattern making is where our skilled pattern masters translate the technical sketches into patterns. These patterns serve as the blueprint for cutting fabric in the production stage, ensuring accuracy in the dimensions and fit of the final product.

8. Cut & Sew the First Sample

With the pattern ready, we move on to cutting and sewing the first sample. This is the first tangible embodiment of our initial concept and serves as a prototype for the final product.

9. Ship First Fit Sample

After the first sample is ready, it is shipped to the client for the initial fit review. This process ensures that the sample aligns with the client's expectations in terms of design, fit, and overall aesthetic.

10. Review Fit First Sample with Client

Our team then sits down with the client to review the first sample. We gather feedback on the fit, design, and any other aspect that might require adjustment.

11. Update Patterns

Based on the feedback received, we update the patterns as necessary. This iterative process ensures that each piece aligns perfectly with the client's vision and market expectations.

12. Cut & Sew New Samples

Following the pattern adjustments, we cut and sew new samples. These refined samples incorporate all feedback and adjustments from the previous review, inching us closer to the perfect final product.

13. Review Second Fit Samples

Again, the revised samples are sent for review. This second review process ensures that all adjustments have been correctly implemented and the fit is perfect.

14. Pre-production Pattern Adjustments

Before we move into bulk production, we make final adjustments to the pattern if necessary. This crucial step ensures that every piece produced aligns with the approved sample in terms of design, fit, and quality.

There you have it - a behind-the-scenes tour of our meticulous product development process here at Outsourced Fashion Consulting. From initial sourcing to the final pattern adjustments, we uphold the highest standards of excellence, ensuring that we turn our clients' vision into high-quality, market-ready fashion.

Inspired by our process and eager to start your own fashion journey? Don't wait another moment. Contact our expert team at Outsourced Fashion Consulting today and let's bring your vision to life. We look forward to crafting your dreams into reality.


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