Mastering the Art of Trim Sourcing. Our Detailed Approach.

At Outsourced Fashion, sourcing the perfect trim is an essential part of our garment production process. Trims can be anything from buttons and zippers to lace and ribbons, and selecting the right ones can significantly enhance the appearance and functionality of a piece. Here’s how we ensure every trim we choose meets our high standards of quality and style.

Understanding the Design

Our process begins with a thorough understanding of the garment’s design and the role of the trim. Whether it’s functional, like zippers for closure, or decorative, like lace on a dress, each trim has a purpose that needs to harmonize with the overall aesthetic.

Selecting the Material

Material selection is crucial. We consider factors like durability, comfort, and sustainability. For example, we opt for organic cotton ribbons and recycled plastic buttons whenever possible to minimize environmental impact.

Evaluating Suppliers

We carefully evaluate our suppliers based on their quality, reliability, and sustainability practices. This involves visiting production sites, reviewing their material sources, and assessing their manufacturing processes to ensure they meet our ethical standards.

Testing for Quality

Before finalizing any trim selection, we conduct rigorous testing to ensure durability, colorfastness, and overall quality. This step is crucial to maintaining the integrity and longevity of our client's garments.

Final Selection

Once a trim passes all tests, it’s approved for use. This decision is based on how well it integrates with the garment’s design, functionality, and the brand’s values.

Ongoing Review

Our work doesn’t stop at selection. We continuously review our choices and suppliers to adapt to new trends, technologies, and sustainability improvements.


Trim sourcing is a detailed and critical process that reflects our commitment to quality and sustainable fashion. By meticulously choosing each element, we ensure that our client’s garments are not only stylish and functional but also responsibly made.


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